Friday, May 15, 2015

"Looking through the Diamond": Partnerships

Tonight this one will be short and sweet. Half of that is because it's late and I have an early flight tomorrow. The other half, though, is because what I have to say about partnerships really is a simple concept. It's the enactment that is complicated.
For the last four days I have featured teams and projects that represent a particular dimension of restoration for victims of sexual exploitation. I feel that it is best for teams like these to specialize as far as possible in one dimension. Many groups fail because they are trying to address all dimensions simultaneously without the necessary expertise.
However, the process should not stop there.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

"Looking through the Diamond": Social Dimensions

The final dimension that I have encountered is social. This one is so important, often attempted, but rarely done well. I'm looking forward to exploring this dimension further here, as well as sharing some of the organizations I have encountered that are up to the task of providing restoration services in a social context to survivors of sexual exploitation.

Social Dimensions of Aftercare

Throughout this journey, I have realized what a privilege it is to have been born into a family that protects me and puts my well-being above monetary gain. With a few changes in my life, I could have easily been in the same position of many of these victims. However, my privileged social situation has led me to a life full of education and opportunity.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

"Looking through the Diamond": Legal Dimensions

The third dimension that I have encountered on this trip is legal.

Legal Dimensions of Aftercare

There are many different opinions out there about how important this aspect of aftercare is for individual survivors. Some organizations operate under a belief that it is better not to involve law enforcement, criminal justice systems, or the government in a survivor’s case. While I can understand this perspective, after all of my experiences, I simply do not agree. I must be careful to be crystal clear here, though. Individual survivors should never be forced to testify against their will, nor should they be asked to do so before emotionally ready. However, my reason for the necessity of legal services in aftercare is twofold: